Emergency Resources
If you think you or a loved one is having or experiencing a medical or psychiatric/mental health crisis or emergency, please call 911 or go the nearest hospital/medical center.
Maryland Based
Mental Health |
Maryland State-wide Information and Referral 24/7 Emergency Mental Health Service HELP (maryland.gov) 2-1-1 |
National Services
Self-Injury/Abuse |
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988lifeline.org Chat 988 Text 988 |
Veterans Crisis Line www.veteranscrisisline.net Chat 988 then Press 1 Text 838255 |
Self-Injury/Abuse SAFE (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) www.selfinjury.com (800) DONTCUT (800) 366-8288 |
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline www.suicidehotlines.com/national.html (800) 784-2433 |
Mental Health |
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration samhsa.gov (800) 622-4357 |
Behavioral Health Response (800) 422-0009 |
Substance Abuse/Use |
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration samhsa.gov (800) 622-4357 |
Al-anon/Alateen Helpline www.al-anon.alateen.org (888) 425-2666 |
Domestic Violence |
National Domestic Violence Hotline https://www.thehotline.org/ (800) 799-SAFE (800) 799-7233 |
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence https://ncadv.org/ (303) 839-1852 |
Sexual Assault |
(DoD) Safe Helpline www.safehelpline.org (877) 995-5247 |
National Sexual Assault Hotline www.rainn.org (800) 656-HOPE (800) 656-4673 |
Gambling |
The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling |
MDProblemGambling.com (800) GAMBLER (800) 426-2537 |